
Showing posts from January, 2019

2D GCode Plotter

For my design for the Plotter machine I assembled the geometry using a radial array. I didn't use the polar array rather I generated an array of circles through a circle node. I found this was easier as I can generate a range of circles from and origin and control it's quantity much easier. I then used Divide Curve to plot along it's circumference and then generate more circles and polygons from there. I'm not to sure about what I was able to produce, I feel like there was content I could've explored more. I did have an issue where the pen fell apart from the vibrations of the plotter machine however I did find experimenting with cross sections and generating geometry through intersecting lines was engaging. I think what I should've done and practiced is filtering and accessing specific data that I want to use and not just building off the starting information.

First Parametric Array

I've used Grasshopper to generate some object arrays as practice for upcoming projects. First I will say I believe I should have made sure the stroke weight was more readable when I exported to PNG. I feel like I am struggling with handling all the components in the node system and I especially dislike how cluttered it gets and how the connections become obscured by other nodes when I attempt to compress the project. I was struggling to make a system that lets me manipulate all values of the extrusions, I was able to reposition their centers but changing direction or remapping an existing extrusion to a new transformation was too difficult. Generates a rect array of extruded polygons spiral curve generated from interpolating points generated from a sin(x) and cos(y) value. Generates a stout array of spiraling polygons extruding outwards with boolean union Generates a large array of extruded polygons on a long spiral

Entry into Grasshopper

For our entry assignment into grasshopper we followed a tutorial that demonstrated how to automate the development of curves along a set of plotted curves. In more detail I drew 2 curves, plotted them with points and then drew an array of curves joining each. For my practice I added a 3rd curve to begin possible groundwork for a mesh object. Earlier I tried using random to assemble a spray pattern of points in space and then use this same procedure however it did not amount to anything. I will attempt later to assemble these curves from procedural developed points. I imagine I can do this by making an array of incremental points with a small random variation and using the line tool that curves through points to begin building a textile. A second challenge would be having each curve joined specifically to the last instead of having to manually conjoin each like the last 2 nodes in the image below. UPDATE I've had some success I was able to construct my nodes so that it gen...