First Parametric Array

I've used Grasshopper to generate some object arrays as practice for upcoming projects. First I will say I believe I should have made sure the stroke weight was more readable when I exported to PNG. I feel like I am struggling with handling all the components in the node system and I especially dislike how cluttered it gets and how the connections become obscured by other nodes when I attempt to compress the project. I was struggling to make a system that lets me manipulate all values of the extrusions, I was able to reposition their centers but changing direction or remapping an existing extrusion to a new transformation was too difficult.

Generates a rect array of extruded polygons

spiral curve generated from interpolating points generated from a sin(x) and cos(y) value.

Generates a stout array of spiraling polygons extruding outwards with boolean union

Generates a large array of extruded polygons on a long spiral


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