Entry into Grasshopper
For our entry assignment into grasshopper we followed a tutorial that demonstrated how to automate the development of curves along a set of plotted curves. In more detail I drew 2 curves, plotted them with points and then drew an array of curves joining each. For my practice I added a 3rd curve to begin possible groundwork for a mesh object. Earlier I tried using random to assemble a spray pattern of points in space and then use this same procedure however it did not amount to anything. I will attempt later to assemble these curves from procedural developed points. I imagine I can do this by making an array of incremental points with a small random variation and using the line tool that curves through points to begin building a textile. A second challenge would be having each curve joined specifically to the last instead of having to manually conjoin each like the last 2 nodes in the image below.
I've had some success I was able to construct my nodes so that it generates a list of X values that I can construct points around. I did "cheat" a little and by that I mean I wasn't able to find a Grasshopper function that lets me generate a list of progressive values so I simply typed out a for loop that outputs a list that counts up to the int value I set. Then I used that int list to construct a list of Vectors and added some modifiers like a random range that I can adjust that controls how much variation is between each point and I made sure to add it to the current x Value so that they proceed in a direction instead of simply scattering. I also added a multiplier node which lets me adjust the distance between each x point. After I had the vectors set I pushed it through a point node to generate the points and then I pushed that through a interpolate curve node which draws a loose curve through the points. After this I simply duplicated it to generate 2 curves and attached a point to point line node for the bridging effect above.
I wasn't able to generate a row of curves that continuously bridge together, I think it's within my ability but not while using a node system. I'm used to using C# where I set up the necessary data containers to construct and action but here those data types like the lists, vectors, and points are generated depending on what information is being passed through the nodes so Im still adjusting to the shift in workflow.
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I'll go ahead and explain the C# code a little better. The default script is built with a function that runs in the editor, basically it just runs the same as all the others, it also has 3 overrides, object x, object y. and object A, with object being it's data type. I made a for Loop that looks like this.
List<int> myList = new List<int>();
for(int b = 0; b < Convert.ToInt32(x); a ++)
A = myList;
Shorthand it adds each number up to x to a list and then outpust the list.
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